A Festive Season full of Kindness
The festive season can be a financial struggle for many families and the current Covid-19 situation has added even more pressure on families, employment and businesses. Over the last few months Nechells POD staff have worked hard to support families within our community by providing activity packs, books and presents for more than 200 children.
We have been amazed with the community support that has been offered all around Birmingham and it has been a pleasure to have worked in partnership with many organisations over the past few months, who all share a common interest in supporting our communities. We have been enlightened by the amount of support, donations and funding we have received to be able to support families in Nechells.
We would like to thank all of the organisation’s staff and volunteers who have worked extremely hard and offered their amazing resources and support to the Nechells community.
Below you will find all the organisations we worked with this festive season:
National Lottery Community fund – We were fortunate enough to be awarded funded to provide activity packs for up to 120 families around Nechells, in these packs each child received toys, arts & craft packs, books and other goodies for children to enjoy during the festive holidays. Tina and Cameron worked hard to distribute these packs to over 180 children.
Birmingham stories – Birmingham stories providing hundreds of Children books and Reading based activity booklets for children of all ages.
Birmingham Museum TinkTank – Staff and playmaker volunteers from TinkTank Mini Brum provided the POD with 80 festive themed activity packs for children between the ages of 3 –7 years old, all the children loved their packs.
Birmingham Irish Association – Trudy and other staff from Birmingham Irish Association delivered brand new presents which were requested for 30 families who have been financially impacted by the current Covid-19 situation. The presents were collected from the POD by parents and we know these fantastic gifts will put a big smile on all the children’s faces once they open them on Christmas day.
Father Solomon (Eritrean Community) – Nechells POD’s luck continued as we received a massive £700 donation raised by Father Solomon from the Eritrean Community. This amazing donation will go towards helping support community members in the New Year with new activities and much more.
Thrive Together Birmingham – Thank you yo Emma from Birmingham Play Care Network, who in partnership with Thrive Together Birmingham, Volunteers and members from the Edgbaston cricket team dropped off an amazing load of presents and gifts for children of all ages to Nechells POD. These were all distributed to local families to enjoy during the festive period.
Church of God ( Food hampers) – We were delighted to receive two hampers full of food, snacks and chocolates ready to be handed out to those in need of emergency food.
We wish all of our POD friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we wish you all blessings and happiness in the 2021.