Last Friday the POD held a community lunch where we had a lot of Nechells residents who came and had a great time socialising and mixing with others from the local community.We were really pleased that Inspector William O’Connor, West Midland Police, David Perkins and David Roberts , Services for Education, Mustafa Meyzin, Foodcloud, Lee Evans, Pinstripe and Sue Ball, Chair of Trustees, were able to join us.
It was fantastic to see that everyone enjoyed themselves while tucking in to a buffet of a wide range of different foods. Some of the food was donated by Foodshare and from our Thursday Foodcloud donation from Tesco. We also ran an impressive raffle and 100 square competition where winners could get their hands on some brilliant prizes. The raffle raised £182 for the POD, which was amazing.
Thank you to everyone who attended our community lunch it was great to see the community coming together.