The new Tuesday morning Tai Chi sessions started today, as we have had a lot of rain recently Dave our Tai Chi expert suggested that we used the rear POD Playground as the grass in Bloomsbury Park would be too wet. The sessions will run every Tuesday 9.30-10.30 am (including half term week) if the weather has been fine the sessions will be in Bloomsbury Park but if it has been raining we will be back at the POD again, you can access the sessions from the gate in the park or by coming into the POD first. Everyone is welcome to come and join us, it was great fun and a very gentle relaxing form of exercise which helps regulate breathing and improve balance and coordination. The sessions are free of charge and have been funded and organised by Active Parks. We are all looking forward to getting a little fitter as the weeks progress. This is a blog we found on the web today on the benefits of doing Tai Chi which are amazing!